What I’m about to share with you is my dream-come-true. Camp has expanded to a place where we have a handful of year-round staff that have all grown up at Scugog. Most of our facilities are now four-seasons, and we have a variety of program offerings. I honestly can’t believe the incredible growth we’ve experienced, and the lives that will be positively impacted as a result.
Summer 2023 marked my last full summer at camp. Though bittersweet, I’m beyond thrilled to be welcoming and supporting a new generation of incredible leaders who will continue the important legacy of Camp Scugog.
To be clear, I’m not going anywhere just yet. As our programs have evolved, my role and its demands have also changed. I’m now stepping into a full time Executive Director position, supporting our Summer Camp, Nature School, and newly created Leadership Center for school groups. This means that while I’ll certainly visit, and be on site throughout the year, the day-to-day operations of these programs will be managed by our new Leadership team: Gavin Keachie, Jesse Murphy, Jenny Rhynas and Aya Dabbah. They are an incredible team who will bring their wealth of experience, and work tirelessly to bring joy and community to the campers in our care.
Gavin is our new Summer Camp Director. Jenny and Jesse are Assistant Directors, wearing many hats including delivering our Summer Camp’s Leadership Program, Nature School, and emerging Leadership Center. Aya is also carving out a new role as the Fundraising and Communications Coordinator, and will continue to support summer camp as our Programmer in summer 2024.
Gary Hoey will continue to support Scugog as Assistant Director, filling in gaps on a part-time basis as needed, and Emily Clark will still support Fundraising and New Program Development, also on a part-time basis. Vicky Spence continues to be our Office Manager and Nature School Instructor, living on site year round.
Everyone on our Leadership team has been at camp for years, and understands, values, and appreciates the incredible impact Camp Scugog has on the lives of those who enter our gates.
It is my deep honour to support this team as they continue to move Camp Scugog forward.
The growth and evolution at Camp Scugog has only been made possible because of your generosity and support. Thank you.
Yours in camping,
