Othey Ways to Give
However you choose to donate, you are helping to make a direct change in the life of someone who needs it most. Thank you for believing in future generations, and for sharing in the joys of camping!
Camp Scugog's Nature School and Leadership Centre serve as revenue generating streams. Income from these programs is used to offset administrative costs, ensuring your donations are used directly to help send kids to camp.
Donations made via cheque, should be addressed to the following:​
Camp Scugog
19400 St. Christopher’s Beach Rd
Nestleton, ON
L0B 1L0
If you believe in future generations, in the joys of camping, and the importance of childhood, please consider Legacy Giving.
You can make a lasting impact by remembering Camp Scugog in your will, annuity or life insurance policy.A charitable bequest is a gift that becomes available following your passing in accordance with arrangements made in your final will and testament. This can be a sum of money, a specific asset or a portion of your estate.
Know your options:​
A pecuniary bequest leaves a gift of a specific dollar amount to Camp Scugog.
A specific bequest leaves specific assets to Camp Scugog.
A residuary bequest leaves the remainder or a portion of the remainder of your estate, after all other instructed distributions have been made, to Camp Scugog.
A contingent bequest is a gift made on the condition if a certain event might or might not happen.
Making a bequest
To include a gift in your will, please use Camp Scugog’s legal name, Lake Scugog United Church Camp Inc. Please find our official information listed below:
Lake Scugog United Church Camp Inc.
19400 St Christopher’s Beach Rd.
Nestleton Station, Ontario, L0B 1L0
Charitable Registration Number: 887429207RR0001
You can support Camp Scugog by donating your time, gently-used belongings, or in-kind gifts for the children, youth and mothers who attend.
For a full list of items required, click here.
To learn more about volunteering, click here.
For more information about in-kind support, please contact Vicky Spence at vspence@campscugog.org or (905) 837-0648.
Gifting public shares to a charity can offer many tax benefits making for a mutually beneficial opportunity for both you and Camp Scugog. If you’re interested in making a gift of securities, please reach out to Vicky Spence at vspence@campscugog.org.
We’d love to hear from you!
Contact Vicky Spence at vspence@campscugog.org or (905) 837-0648 if you have a fundraising idea that isn’t mentioned above.
Make a difference
Thank you for donating to Camp Scugog. You can be confident that your funds are being used to:
Empower campers and staff to reach their full potential
Provide year-round support and community
Connect children and families to nature
Help break the cycle of poverty